Business Letter Formatting Exercise
Open the attached file using MS Word or a compatible program. Review the checklist below for creating a business letter. Make any changes you think are necessary to the Business Letter file after reviewing the checklist. Save the file as your last name followed by 1a (example: Etter1a). Be sure to save all files for this course as a .doc or .docx - then Submit.
- In lieu of letter head, is the return address properly formatted at the top?
- Is the date included and formatted correctly?
- Is the inside address properly formatted?
- Is there a greeting line?
- Is the body of the letter left-aligned with a blank space between paragraphs?
- Is there enough space for a signature?
- Final finishes: Are the typist's initials necessary? Are there enclosures that need to be noted? Is anyone being CC'd?
- Is more than one font used (this generally looks unprofessional. A single font should be used in most cases. Letterhead in a different font is acceptable).