
Is stratospheric ozone good or bad for us

Consider the following questions:

1. Is stratospheric ozone good or bad for us? Explain your answer and tell what the CAA amendments of 1990 did to address the issue.

2. What does Section 301 of the Clean Water Act say about discharges into the Waters of the United States?

3. The Endangered Species Act is considered one of the strongest pieces of environmental legislation ever enacted. What is required of Federal Agencies under the ESA and how are exemptions allowing potential extinction decided?

4. What is nonpoint source pollution and why is it so difficult to manage and regulate?

5. Economic and technological considerations are included in environmental regulations. Explain the acronyms BACT, BPT, BCT and BAT and what regulations include them

6. Several laws and regulations address "cradle to grave" management of chemicals and pollutants. Name 2 and briefly discuss how they implement this concept.

7. What individual signs U.S. EPA's federal rules to be published in the Code of Federal Regulations which is the official record for all federal regulations? What is the purpose of the Federal Register (FR) and why is the FR important to citizens?

8. Hazardous substances are defined in CERCLA Section 101(14). They are defined by reference to substances that are listed or designated under other environmental statues. List 3 of the 6 references to these other environmental statutes including their Section numbers.

9. What is the primary organization involved in establishing international environmental law? List three (3) major international protocols or conventions and the environmental issues covered by these protocols and conventions.

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Other Subject: Is stratospheric ozone good or bad for us
Reference No:- TGS02002825

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