
Is standard textiles a u.s. company

Assignment task: Please read the article below from the Wall Street Journal "Woven in China" and answer the questions below. Please include each question number in your responses and include the question next to your response. 

1. Is Standard Textiles a U.S. company?

2. Is it a public or private company?

3. Where are they headquartered?

4. What is a tariff?  What is a quota?

5. What has happened to U.S. quotas on textiles?

6. How has the change in quotas affected companies like Standard Textile?

7. Why has Standard Textiles expanded to China?

8. Describe some of the challenges Standard Textiles has encountered doing business in China.

9. If you were the owner of this business would you make this investment at the current time?

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Reference No:- TGS03371982

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