Wolff's Defence of Anarchism
1. Authority
a. sheer power
b. de facto authority: claims right to command
c. legitimate authority: actually has right to command
d. Legitimate authority: the right to command <-> the right to be obeyed
e. Analysis: conforming to vs obeying command
acting by virtue of independently good reasons
acting by virtue of the person's position
f. Descriptive vs Normative sense of legitimacy
2. Political philosophy:
-the task of:
3. Wolff's Assumption: legitimacy from compatibility with Moral Autonomy
-moral philosophy -> responsibility -> freedom of will (12)
-free will + reason => duty to take responsibility
-Moral autonomy:
-Authority vs Autonomy:
-Unanimous direct democracy solves problem
4. Representative Democracy?
a. Majoritarianism:
-what kind of justification needed?
b. Unanimous original contract justifying majority rule?
1. is responsibility for actions same as autonomy?
2. is moral autonomy really the over-riding moral obligation?
2 critiques of Wolff:
1. moral autonomy vs. political freedom:
2. related issue: my actions affect others
-value of autonomy vs other values?
3. restricted / implausible understanding of autonomy?