
Is research design and process-literature review


IS researchers not only conduct their own research, but also share their lessons and views in IS research. An IS researcher can learn from them and further understand the IS research design and process. The following articles discuss the process of literature review, the nature and use of theory in IS research, and how to formalize theoretical constructs.

Webster, J., and Watson, R. T., (2002) "Analyzing the Past To Prepare for the Future: Writing a Literature Review," MIS Quarterly (26:2) 2002, pp.xii-xxiii.

Gregor S., 2006. The nature of theory in information systems, MIS Quarterly, 30(3), September, pp. 611-642.

Truex D, Holmstrom J, Keil M. 2006. Theorizing in information systems research: A reflexive analysis of the adaptation of theory in information systems research. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 7(12), December, pp. 797-U26.
Petter, S., Straub, D., and Rai, A. 2007. "Specifying Formative Constructs in Information Systems Research," MIS Quarterly (31:4), December, pp. 623-656.

It is also important to understand the tenure and promotion process and standards in IS research. Although business schools have common standards in tenure promotion, each discipline carries its own standards as well.

Lyytinen, K., Baskerville, R., Iivari, J., and Te'eni, D. 2007. "Why the Old World Cannot Publish? Overcoming Challenges in Publishing High-Impact IS Research," European Journal of Information Systems (16), pp. 317-326.

Dennis, A. R., Valacich, J. S., Fuller M. A., and Schneider, C. 2006. "Research Standards for Promotion and Tenure in Information Systems," MIS Quarterly (30:1), March, pp. 1-12.


Please write a 4-5 page paper (without including the cover page and the reference page) addressing the questions:

"IS Research Design and Process: Literature Review" and "Lessons Learned in Publication and Academic Promotion"


Please address the following perspectives in your paper with your views on the issues:

• What is an optimal process of literature review?
• How does the literature review help in developing a research topic?
• Provide an example of an empirical paper where you can illustrate the role of the literature review.
• What is an optimal process of getting your research published?

Please make sure your discussions demonstrate academic rigor with supported and well-reasoned arguments. Please express with academic clarity and precision. Please analyze and critique with both comprehensiveness and depth. Please write academically with proper references and the proper tones and styles.

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