Is removing the peg tube more like a dnr

Assignment task: In this case, Ms. M has frontotemporal dementia with a non-psychotic brain syndrome. She is non-communicative, non-ambulatory, incontinent and has a DNR. A DNR means do not resuscitate (see below) ** As per the family's wishes, the PEG tube (percutaneous endoscopic gastronomy -essentially, a feeding tube) has been clamped and nutritious health drinks (such as Ensure) have been discontinued. **DNRs work by creating a legal document while you are of sound mind that clearly states what your wishes are. A DNR explicitly states how extensive you want medical intervention to be by making it known you do not want CPR or other procedures performed if your heart stops. A DNR could be invoked if you are seriously injured, are In a coma, or have severe dementia. The question is: 1. Briefly describe the situation in terms of the ethical problem. 2. What do you think the ethical question is in this case? Hint: relate it to one or more bioethical principles we have discussed. 2. Question: Is removing (or clamping) the PEG tube more like a DNR or like a lethal injection? In other words, are doctors letting her die or causing her death? Min 500 to 800 Words

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Reference No:- TGS03392942

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