
Is psychological momentum fact or fiction how do you feel

Assignment 2: Critical Thinking Essay

The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your theoretical understanding of psychological momentum and to also have you research and think about this topic in more detail.

Read Critical Thinking Question Number 3 on pg. 141 of your textbook and answer the question in a 1-2 page essay that meets these additional requirements:

Clearly and concisely explain the projected performance model of psychological momentum.Clearly and concisely explain your feeling about this model.Support your answer with relevant and scholarly appropriate sources.Write the analysis in 1-2 pages and present it in Microsoft Word document format. Name the file M5_A2_LastName_CriticalThinkingEssay.doc.

1. How do you think situation-specific self-confidence can be best developed in athletes? Provide a model and a theory.

2. Do you think that situation-specific self-confidence developed in one sport situation can be transferred to another situation or even to global self-confidence? Explain and defend your response.

3. Is psychological momentum fact or fiction? How do you feel about the projected perfor¬mance model of psychological momentum?

4. Do you think the effects of Title IX on sport have completely eliminated the disparity in self-confidence sometimes exhibited by men and women? Explain and defend your answer.

5. What is gender stereotyping and how does it relate to stereotype threat theory? Relate these concepts to the different kinds of sports that women participate in and their effect upon self-confidence.

6. Using the integrated theory of motivation as your knowledge base, describe the steps you would follow in making sure that your own child is motivated to succeed in some partic¬ular sport or activity.

7. What can coaches do to make sure that their athletes develop the characteristic and perception of being autonomous in the way they interact with their environment?

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Dissertation: Is psychological momentum fact or fiction how do you feel
Reference No:- TGS02925610

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