
Is oedipus like a rat trapped in a maze

Oedipus The King:

Is Oedipus like a rat trapped in a maze, or is he merely the victim of bad luck? Is he doomed to fulfill the prophecy he receives from Apollo no matter how he twists and turns, or could he have escaped it by making a different choice at some point in his life?

Don’t forget the Introduction! Your thesis is the last sentence of the introduction, which has two primary purposes: To interest the reader and to provide a brief context for your thesis, thus enabling you to express your assertion in a single sentence. In a six to seven-page paper, the introduction should be roughly half-a-page long (11 to 14 lines).

Avoid generalizations, and refer frequently to the texts to back up your argument, but quote only when the words of a passage are absolutely necessary to the point you are making. Otherwise, use paraphrase or summary. Any quotes you do use must be very short. When you are citing passages in the Bible, use the following form: Book, chapter, verse; eg. Gen 5:8. Cite the Odyssey by book and line, e.g. 1.317, and Oedipus and Antigone by line.

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