Is nikolai agarici action illegal

Problem: Wang Yan, is a 61-year-old products manager in a Connecticut manufacturing company. She just won an award the previous year for outstanding productivity. Her new boss, Nikolai Agarici, is concerned about paying too much money in salaries to employees, and Wang Yan is the highest paid product manager in the company. Nikolai Agarici fires Wang Yan and replaces her with a 37-year-old male worker who is willing to accept a fraction of Wang Yan's former salary. Is Nikolai Agarici's action illegal? a. Yes, this discharge violates the Age Discrimination in Employment Act b. No, this discharge is not motivated by discrimination against a legally protected class c. Yes, this discharge is a violation of the foreign laws defense d. Yes, this discharge violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act e. Yes, this discharge is a violation of the Equal Pay Act

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