
Is negotiating a panacea

Is Negotiating a Panacea?

We have seen that negotiating is just one of the options, open to us when confronted with conflict. Every conflict is different. Change the place, and/or change the people, and/or change the settings, and you may come with different approaches.

The authors of the following articles, come from different backgrounds, and address conflict resolution in very different fields or applications:

1. Ertel, D., & Gordon, M. (2008). Best Practices: Negotiating â?" Whatâ??s the point of the deal, really? Ivey Business Journal Online. London:Sep/Oct 2008. Vol. 72, Iss. 5, 1 pp.) Click here

2. Cohen, S. P. (2004). Negotiation is not a competitive sport. Ivey Business Journal Online. London: Jul/Aug 2004. p. 1 Click here

3. Kujala, J., Murtoaro, J., & Artto, K. (2008). A Negotiation Approach to Project Sales and Implementation Project Management Journal. Sylva:Dec 2007. Vol. 38, Iss. 4, p. 33-44 (12 pp.) Click here.


What are the aggregate major points (as presented by the authors) that have made BILATERAL negotiation methods and/or approaches, the preferred method of choice, for conflict resolution or business transactions in general?

150 to 200 words.

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Other Management: Is negotiating a panacea
Reference No:- TGS01772512

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