
Is long-term strategic planning worth it why or why not if

Many years ago, it was announced that the 2016 Summer Olympic Games would be held in Rio de Janeiro. Lots of strategic planning and expense went into a massive overhaul of infrastructure and cleanup efforts in anticipation of this magnificent event. Despite a long planning window,unanticipated last-minute threats appeared.( i.e.,the threat of the Zika virus emerging from that area severely altered expectations and plans). Some athletes even cancelled plans to participate. For your consideration: Is long-term strategic planning worth it? Why or why not? If it is, what is an appropriate planning window (months, years, etc.)? How do you plan for contingencies? Your discussion posts should reflect original thoughts, be approximately 250 words, and draw upon your personal and professional experiences. Where possible.

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Operation Management: Is long-term strategic planning worth it why or why not if
Reference No:- TGS02875080

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