
Is juvenals satirical account of city-life similar to or

Juvenal was an author who lived from approximately 55 AD through 138 AD, though we're not sure exactly when he was born or when he died. Juvenal became famous for his satires, or critiques of society using irony, sarcasm, and ridicule. Juvenal aimed his satires at citizens, the government, the city, and the empire. He was even exiled by an emperor, probably either Trajan or Dominitian, for his writings. Satire III is one of his more famous pieces. It is written from the perspective of a "friend" moving to the country to get away from Roman city life. First, read the selected portion of the poem (the document is in this week's content folder) so you're familiar with it. Make sure you've read the reading and watched the video clips so you can more appropriately respond to the Journal. Then, consider these questions (I'd do a paragraph each): How does Juvenal's Satire compare with what you have read and seen in the video clips and lectures about Roman politics, power, and society during the Pax Romana? (Discuss all of those.) Is Juvenal's satirical account of city-life similar to or different from the perceptions of Rome you have developed about Pax Romana? Why? What is your ultimate impression of Rome during the Pax Romana?

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History: Is juvenals satirical account of city-life similar to or
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