
Is jane transferring some of her childhood experiences

Assignment task:

"One woman told me that I dress in a provocative manner and need to have someone dress me before I come into the office! One of my male co-workers hears her say this to me and then pipes up that I can wear whatever I want as long as he likes it. Like I'm just there to appeal to his sexual senses. I feel uncomfortable and it is making me second guess everything that I'm doing. I hate to take this to my boss because I don't want him to be upset with me or things get worse!"

Cultural factor: Jane comes from a home where her mother and father told her that she dressed inappropriately.

Social factor: Now Jane is experiencing a similar event in her social life where she feels judged by what she wears.

Issue: Is Jane transferring some of her childhood experiences into her adult life experiences and has added stress due to unresolved issues from her childhood as well as now dealing with inappropriate behaviour of her co-workers? How has Jane's cultural upbringing impacted her life today?

Additional comments: Jane (she/her) comes in for her third appointment and expresses her continued exhaustion with her relationships at work. Jane begins to tell you some of the examples of these situations at work: how do we examine social factors in Jane's case?

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Other Subject: Is jane transferring some of her childhood experiences
Reference No:- TGS03389518

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