Is it possible to help someone when he/she may refuse

Question 1: Helping means assisting people to understand, overcome, or cope with problems. A human service professional is one who offers such assistance.

Is it possible to help someone when he/she may refuse assistance from a human service provider?

Question 2: Values are important to the practice of human services; they are the criteria by which human service professionals and clients make choices.

Is it possible to work with a client who appears to have few established values in order to make the right choices?

Question 3: Acceptance, tolerance, individuality, self-determination, and confidentiality are important values for human service professionals.

Is it a true statement that there are times when the opposite value may be necessary when human service professionals work with people in need?

Question 4: Characteristics that are important for the entry-level human service professional are self-awareness, the ability to communicate, empathy, professional commitment, and flexibility.

Provide an opinion as to what may be the most important quality to the least important for such a professional working with people in need and offer your reasoning.

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Reference No:- TGS03339440

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