
Is it ok for the student to include logo on fundraiser flyer


The term "Fair Use" is one that every educator should be both familiar and comfortable with. Your task is to develop a scenario that an educator might encounter pertaining to fair use. There are no correct or incorrect scenarios so get creative and try to stump your fellow peers. Scenarios can be based around teachers, students, schools, school districts, etc... or even a combination of different things.

An example: Students are creating flyers for a field trip fundraiser. Their class field trip is to visit the Denver Zoo to learn more about animal behavior for their science class. One of the students has included the logo for the zoo on their flyer that they will distribute to friends and neighbors to raise money to cover their expenses for the field trip. Is it OK for the student to include the logo on the fundraiser flyer?

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Other Subject: Is it ok for the student to include logo on fundraiser flyer
Reference No:- TGS03270539

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