
Is it more important for criminal-justice leaders to be

According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics bulletin, "Prison and Jail Inmates at Midyear 2005," nearly six in ten persons in local jails were racial or ethnic minorities. In the context of this information, do you think the field of criminal justice creates unique challenges for minorities who seek leadership positions? Why? Explain with reference to how leaders from ethnic minorities might manage diversity.

Minorities in leadership roles are essential to the perceptions of fairness of many who are being processed through the system. In this context, to what extent do you think programs such as affirmative action are required in criminal justice? Why? What can be done to ensure that there are no instances of reverse discrimination (in which the rights of the majority are sacrificed)?

Do you think women leaders in criminal justice, such as former San Francisco Police Chief Heather J. Fong, face greater challenges than those in other fields because criminal justice has traditionally been a male-dominated field where many still hold stereotypes of women working in criminal justice? Why? Assess whether or not the field of criminal justice will benefit from the presence of women.

Is it more important for criminal-justice leaders to be ethical than leaders in business because monetary ambition and a cutthroat mentality can have benefits in business while they can only lead to corruption in criminal justice? Explain.

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History: Is it more important for criminal-justice leaders to be
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