
Is it ethical for the friend to make health care decisions

Assignment task:

Prior to his surgery a 40 year old man completed a Health Care Power of Attorney. He appointed his friend to act as his agent. Unfortunately, he has complications due to anesthesia, and remains in a coma. His friend is confused about what medical decisions the 40 year old man may have wanted since the Health Care Power of Attorney does not indicate the patient's medical care preferences.

1. Which other advance directive document would have helped the friend make decisions for the patient? DO NOT merely state "advance directive" be specific to the type of advance directive.

2. Give two examples of the types of information this "other" document may include. 

3. Is it ethical for the friend to make health care decisions for this patient without knowing his preferences? Explain why using at least one ethical principle.

4. After six months with no signs of recovery, the health care team informs the friend that medical care is futile. After much consideration, the friend decides to request all life support be disconnected. What type of euthanasia is this considered, and is it ethical? Explain your response.

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Reference No:- TGS03420018

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