
Is it a membership organization with a representative board


Part 1- APA Format 250 Words Please have 3 references

Please briefly describe the structure of your nonprofit organization. Give details about the way the nonprofit is organized. Is it a membership organization with a representative board or a self-perpetuating board? How large is the board and how many staff members? Are volunteers used? In what capacity?

Part 2- APA Format 400 Words Please have 3 references

Please describe how a professional association such as the Association for Research in Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA) serving its individual members and having a governing board of directors should be differently structured than a local food pantry that provides food to the poor. Can you identify the primary and secondary stakeholders for each organization? Whose needs must be satisfied by each organization?

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Business Management: Is it a membership organization with a representative board
Reference No:- TGS01662434

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