Assignment Task:
FILM 1 (Le Ballon Rouge (The Red Balloon, 1956, dir. Albert Lamorisse, French)
FILM 2 (Lord of the Flies (Dir. Peter Brook, 1963, British)
1. After watching both Le Ballon Rouge and the Lord of the Flies, do you find parallels with Hobbes' quotes above? Is "humankind" inherently competitive and prone to violence and power?
2. What examples in both films lead you believe one way or the other?
3. What are the differences with each film in handling this difficult issue?
4. Which of the films do you think is most successful in handling it's own themes and motifs? Why/why not?
5. What are your thoughts overall in the two films?
6. Is there a more contemporary movie or television series you can compare to these two films?