
Is hacktivism a valid bringing attention to specific causes


Computer Security

Question A

The term hacktivism is sometimes used to refer to the act of hacking into a computer system for a politically or socially motivated purpose. While some view hacktivists no differently than they view other hackers, hacktivists contend that they break into systems in order to bring attention to political or social causes. Discuss the following:

1. Is hacktivism a valid method of bringing attention to specific causes?

2. Should hacktivists be treated differently from other types of hackers when caught?

Question B

According to security experts, several worms released in past years contain more than just the virus code - they contain code to remove competing malware from the computers they infect and messages taunting other virus writers. Discuss the following:

1. If this trend continues, do you think it will affect how hackers and other computer criminals will be viewed?

2. Will they become cult heroes or be viewed as dangerous criminals?

3. Will continuing to increase prosecution of these individuals help or hurt the situation?

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Microeconomics: Is hacktivism a valid bringing attention to specific causes
Reference No:- TGS01808042

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