
Is globalization inevitable


Debate on globalization

Globalization seems inevitable, but it is not without controversy. The debate on globalization will continue as people try to make sure that the benefits of global trade outweigh the costs for all countries, not just a select few. Despite the pervasive influence of globalization, it is hard to pin down one definition that will suit everybody. For our purposes, globalization refers to an interdependent world economy – in which people in one part of the world interact with people in another part as buyers, sellers or intermediaries.

Q1. In your opinion, is globalization inevitable? Are the overall benefits of globalization positive? What are the gains and losses from globalization?
Q2. What external influences does a company encounter when determining how and where to conduct business globally?
Q3. How do the stages that a company goes through evolve as its operations become more globalized?

Your answer must be, typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman font (size 12), one-inch margins on all sides, APA format and also include references.

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