Is globalisation good for uk citizens


Jayne has heard that the UK computer games industry has a worldwide reputation for producing high quality games. The games are exported all over the world. In 2010, exports of UK computer games were worth £1.4 billion. On average, 62% of UK computer games sales came from exports. Selling games abroad is becoming increasingly important for UK computer games businesses. However, the export of computer games is influenced by the value of the pound, which often changes. Jayne has also been told that the computer games industry has become increasingly globalised. This means that companies are able to locate in almost any part of the world where costs and taxes are lowest. Globalisation has also resulted in skilled workers moving to different parts of the world where their skills are needed and where salaries are high. Recently, an American-owned company which produces computer games decided to close down one of its offices in England and move the work to its office in Canada, where business taxes are lower. This means that 50 staff will lose their jobs in England. Such office closures are encouraging skilled staff to leave the UK to find work abroad. Do you agree that globalisation is good for UK citizens working in the computer games industry? Give reasons for your answer.

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