
Is gilgamesh a hero in order to answer this question we

Merriam Webster's Dictionary shows a hero as "a mythological or legendary figure often of divine descent endowed with great ability or strength." Urban Dictionary explains a hero as "someone who gets a lot of other people killed" in reference to the movie Serenity. A hero will also be explained as one who can show enormous feats of courage, one who motivates others, etc...From the earliest epic to modern stories, tales of heroism have always circulated among our history throughout different cultures. The term "hero" is open to interpretation and has been bestowed upon hundreds of people from Mother Theresa, Arnold Schwarzenegger, to Martin Luther King. In the epic of Gilgamesh, the King of Uruk has been referred to as heroic figure through his journey and look for for immortality.

For the subsequent assignment, I would like for you to describe the following question: Is Gilgamesh a hero? In order to answer this question, we must first explain what we believe a hero to be. Include precise examples from the text which support the idea of whether you consider that Gilgamesh is a true, heroic figure.

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English: Is gilgamesh a hero in order to answer this question we
Reference No:- TGS0912726

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