
Is child obesity a reflection of parental negligencechange

Topics For Psychology Research

- Is Child Obesity a Reflection of Parental Negligence?

- America's Obsession with Fast Food

- Link Between Television and Obesity

- Narcissistic Mother's Influence on Child's Mental Health

- Stress and Preterm Delivery

- Situations Leading to Cutting Yourself Disorder

- Effects of Abortion on Mental Health

- Dating Violence Among Teens

- Teenage Sexting and its Consequences

- Can Stringent Laws Force Morality?

- Effects of Designer Babies on Society

- The Psychology of a Homophobe

- Solitary Confinement and its Emotional Effects

- The Varied Effects of Color on Mental States

- Hyperactive Children - The Role of Environment or Biology?

- The Psychological Profile of a Terrorist

- A Psychological Profile of a Sex Worker

- How are Habits Formed and How Can They Be Changed?

- Gay Adoption and its Legal and Ethical Aspects

- Shyness in Adults: Causes and Consequences

- The Impact of Hate Crimes on Victims and Communities

- Types of Torture and their Psychological Effects

- Change of Perception Based on Attractiveness - Are the Attractive Treated Differently?

- The Homeless and their Psychological Problems

- Promoting Mental Health in the Workplace Through Sports Psychology

- Long-lasting Marriages and the Psychology Behind them

- Should School Uniforms be Banned?

- List of Phobias and their Effect on Personality

- The Rise of Divorces in Society - an Analysis

- Causes and Impact of Emotional, Financial, and Physical Abuse of the Elderly

- Effects of Birth Order on a Person's Personality and Achievements

- How Does In-store Music Influence Product Selection?

- Teenage Suicide: Why it Happens and What to do About it

- Effects of Postpartum Depression on the Mother and Child

- An Analysis of Harsh and/or Capital Punishment for Sex Offenders

- The Role of Genetics and Environment in Determining Intelligence

- How Does Over Crowding Affect Human Beings?

- Relation between Physical Illness and Stress

- Short Term and Long Term Memory

- Mental Illness and Aging

- Role of Environment in Personality Development

- Influence of Work Environment and Behavior on the Worker's Self-esteem and Motivation

- Impact of Counseling on Divorced Individuals

- The Involvement of Psychologists in Military Interrogations

- Violent Music and its Impact on Children

- Motivation and its Varied Theories

- Social Interaction

- How Do Individual Differences Affect Stress

- Psychological Reasons for Depression

- Causes and Symptoms of Stress

- How Does Social Anxiety Disorder Affect the Routine Life of a Person?

- Human Development - Conception to Old Age

- Mental Development of Special Children

- Does Gender Affect Memory?

- Different Stages of Human Development

- Why is it Important to Impart Sexual Education to Young Children?

Directions: Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling, and grammar.

Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be double-spaced; refer to the "Format Requirements" page for specific format requirements.

Part 1

Submit the following:

1. The title of your topic.

2. One to two paragraphs describing the topic and the rationale for choosing the topic. Present a research question or thesis statement, along with one or two paragraphs describing the topic and the rationale for choosing the topic. Submit along with your preliminary resource list of at least 10 relevant resources (including titles and URLs).

3. Preliminary list of 10 relevant resources - include only titles and URLs.

Part 2

Submit a 2-3 page research proposal containing the following elements discussed in this module:

1. Title
2. Introduction
3. Research Method
4. Conclusion
5. Resources

This should be a detailed, comprehensive and high-quality proposal.

Part 3

Submit a one-page Progress Report onyour State of the Project: Accomplishments/Issues and Concerns.

Part 4

Submit an Annotated Bibliography of at least 10 sources for your paper, including books, peer-reviewed articles, audio or video materials. Refer to the Lecture Notes about Annotated Bibliography.

Part 5

Submit the First Draft of your research paper. At a minimum it should include:

1. Title Page

2. Introduction Portion

3. Review of Relevant Literature (minimum three)

Part 6

1. Apply the APA Style Guide and Format to your First Draft and Bibliography.

2. Submit the formatted version of your draft.

Part 7

Submit a revised version of your First Draft per the following requirements:

1. It should be more comprehensive than the First Draft submitted.

2. It should include the APA Style and Format.

Part 8

1. Copy the Final Checklist from the Lecture Notes page into a Word Document.

2. Answer every question in the checklist (including checklist from Ashworth College).

3. Submit your answered checklist.

4. Submit your Final Paper.

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Dissertation: Is child obesity a reflection of parental negligencechange
Reference No:- TGS02479189

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