
Is anne correct in her assumption that she will be placed

Roy is a 60-year-old male with newly diagnosed hypertension. He has tried to increase his exercise and watch his diet, however, his numbers are unchanged. He presents today to your clinic to start medication. What would you start him on? Please be specific, medication, dose, etc? What would your follow-up be? What teaching would you provide?

Case 3:

Tracy is a 50-year-old female with diabetes and hyperlipidemia. She refuses statin therapy because "she read they kill your liver" Her LDL is 142, HDL 35, Trigs 250 and Total Chol 177. How will you proceed?

Anne is a retired registered nurse (RN) who has been given the diagnosis of New York Class III (NY III) heart failure. She "knows" from her RN education that she will "definitely" be placed on digoxin as a therapy. Is Anne correct in her assumption that she will be placed on digoxin? What other medications may be considered for her?

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Dissertation: Is anne correct in her assumption that she will be placed
Reference No:- TGS02526617

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