
Is access to health care a right or entitlement do all

1. What major events in health care access and delivery since 1950 have significantly changed and enhanced health care policy in the United States?

2. . Is the PPACA having the impact you think it was designed to have? What are your thoughts?

3. Is access to health care a right or entitlement? Do all individuals currently have equal and open access to health care?

4. What are your thoughts on how we determine something is a right in the United States? We do have some things that are legally a right in America.

5. What are your thoughts on how our longer lifespan is affecting the financing of Medicare?

What has been your experience so far with the ACA?

7. Medicare and Medicaid in their infancy were designed to help a population that needed additional support. Currently those programs have grown to the point of consuming a large portion of tax revenue and still needing to cut back on services provided. If you were there in the beginning of Medicare, would you have designed the program any differently? Why and how?

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Other Subject: Is access to health care a right or entitlement do all
Reference No:- TGS01069902

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