Is abduction used by russell in his argument if so how if

1-What is Ryle's objection to mentalism? Explain.

2-What is Bertrand Russell trying to do in the work by him referred to in the text? Explain.

3-Are there any flaws in the argument by Russell? Explain.

4-Is abduction used by Russell in his argument? If so, how? If not, how would adding abduction change the argument? Explain.

5-Explain Logical Behaviorism's analysis of mental states.

6-What does the example of curare show about Logical Behaviorism? Explain.

7-What is a disposition? Explain.

8-How does Logical Behaviorism differ from Cartesian Dualism on the question of what a mind is? Explain.

9-Is the dispositional analysis of desire complete? Explain.

10-Would a dispositional analysis refute mentalism? Explain.


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