
Iph401 inter-professional perspectives on global health -

Inter-professional Perspectives on Global Health - Healthcare Poster Presentation

Students will address an assigned country (AUSTRALIA) and topic (Aborigine's healthcare) related to an issue that impacts health and use or availability of heath care resources. This project will involve an exploration of literature and current sources with the outcome being a visual (or electronic) poster to be displayed and defended during a formal presentation event. The content on the poster needs to be presented in a way that is well communicated in this format. That should include pictures/diagrams/charts etc as relevant to the presentation.


1. Describe the topic addressing the challenge this presents in the country

2. Implications for health and/or healthcare in the country

3. Analysis of social justice related to the topic

4. Analysis of stewardship of resources and sustainability of services related to the topic

5. Comparison with the US. What are the challenges presented by this topic in the US and the impact on health?

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Dissertation: Iph401 inter-professional perspectives on global health -
Reference No:- TGS02720174

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