
Ip address-dotted decimal notation to binary notation

1) What do you mean by an internet? Suppose there is an organization where internet is require and explain it in detail with neat and suitable diagram.

2) Describe about datagram approach and compare with circuit switching in detail.

3)a) Describe Routing Table and Routing Module in detail.

b) A company is arranged site address Company requires 6 subnets. Draw the subnets.

4)a) How is looping problem solved by switches and by routers? How do switches/routers handle link failure?

b) Describe the IP addressing.

5)a) Convert the following IP address from dotted decimal notation to binary notation:



b. Convert the following IP address from binary notation to dotted decimal notation:

i. 01111111 11110000 01100111 01111101

ii. 11110111 11110011 10000111 11011101

c. Determine the net and host id of the IP addresses:


ii. 11101111 11110111 11000111 00011101d. In a class C subnet, determine the network address

i. IP address:

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Electrical Engineering: Ip address-dotted decimal notation to binary notation
Reference No:- TGS011234

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