Case scenario:
You are meeting with the CEO and other officers of an investment company to obtain a loan for your idea or project from Unit 1 Individual Project (a hobby you enjoy, a business you own or would like to start, or an idea for a new product). Your meeting will last 35 minutes. You must get them to loan you the money for your idea or project or the project will fade away. (NOTE: You will need research to gain their approval and support your idea.) I did my UNIT 1 as a hobby on me and my grandchildren. I showed how we enjoyed our time together. I would like my presentation to be on a project for grandparents and their grandchildren.
Keep in mind, in this scenario, you must create a persuasive PowerPoint presentation with speakers notes that will be used to sell your idea to the investment company. Obviously, you must have a unique strategy plan and approach to make the presentation memorable. Your presentation should have research and citations in APA style, graphics, and appropriate art work. (HINT: Incorporate at least four specific ideas to make your presentation memorable.