
Investment company scenario

This project will build on the investment company scenario that I encountered in (see the case illustrated below).

Your meeting with the CEO and other officers of the distance learning investment company will last for 35 minutes. You must get them to buy into your idea or the project will fade away.

You need to detail in depth what you plan in order to be prepared to give this presentation. In a Word document type out your plan which should include the following:

An outline of the presentation points (use these to develop PowerPoint)

List of materials needed

Image you want to portray and reasons for specific items needed to portray a particular image to your audience

What you plan to wear

Conclude with your unique strategy plan and approach to make the presentation memorable (incorporate at least four specific ideas to make it memorable).

Case scenario:

I have a meeting with a distance learning Investment Company’s CEO and a few other high ranking officers. I am trying to obtain a loan for a distance learning company that I would like to start. I need some help on this. Here is some information about the distance learning and the presentation.

Distance learning takes a real commitment to keep up independently and employers are recognizing the value of an employee who has the determination and self-motivation to advance through the distance learning process. Students who participate in web-based instruction tend to earn equal or higher grades than students in conventional versions of the same classes. Virtual graduates also reported feeling better equipped to enter the workforce.

Online learners tend to be motivated self-starters with the ability to take assignments to completion. Distance learners are able to adapt to dynamic environments and thrive on challenge. Distance education has the potential to reach almost any audience, opening doors for talented people who would otherwise not be able to attend school due to remote location, finances, employment restrictions, lack of transportation and childcare issues. Distance education results in a diversified talent pool.

The audience of the presentation is as followed: The CEO and other officers are somewhat apprehensive and have limited knowledge about distant education.

The objectives of my presentation are as followed:

1) To present a business platform that is grounded in the target market needs (i.e., distant education market)

2) To get the loan for the distant learning company

The topics that will be covered in the presentation are as followed:

1) Need for the company

2) New technology available - While distance-learning offerings have been around for years, they have been slow to catch on because dial-up modem connections cannot handle video. But two new services, Bell Atlantic's Remote Learning Solutions (RLS) and Hughes Network Systems' edgeUcast, which rely on high-speed DSL and satellite services, respectively, more closely replicate the classroom experience.

3) Technology increases the Demand of Product

4) Distant Education is on the rise

5) Many successful company

6) Gap to fill by this company

7) Good Investment

I would select Microsoft PowerPoint for my presentation to the CEO. I would choose Microsoft PowerPoint to add life to my diagrams and presentation. Microsoft PowerPoint has limited animation presented with diagrams, a slide show, controls the flow of information and it adds interest to the presentation itself. PowerPoint is used for presenting information in a slideshow format using text, charts, graphs, sound effects and video, and its proliferation is linked to the demise of the overhead projector. It is the “lingua franca” of the public-speaking circuit, boardroom and university lecture hall, and increasingly it can also be found assisting with classroom lessons, parents' group meetings and school science fairs.

The images I want to portray are one of strong conviction and competence, and of knowledge about knowing the needs of the distant education market. I will speak with conviction showing that I really believe in what I am saying. Since my audience is somewhat apprehensive, I will persuade my audience effectively. The material I present orally will have the same ingredients as that which are required for a written research paper (i.e. a logical progression) from “introduction (objectives) to “body” (strong supporting arguments, accurate and up-to-date information of the need I am going to address) to “conclusion” (re-state objectives, summary, and logical conclusion) only in presentation form.

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Other Subject: Investment company scenario
Reference No:- TGS01447998

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