
Investigative summation and problem statement


Create a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper, in which you response the following questions from the point of view of the investigator:

o What documents, interviews, direct observations, and additional tactics would you use to conduct the investigation?

o What technological tools might be helpful to conduct the investigation?

o Where might you find information?

o What questions would you ask and of whom?

o What type of documentation would you create for the file?

• Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Bus Radio Case Facts

The following scenario is based on an actual crime that occurred in a large American city in the Southwest. It took 4 years to solve the case. As you read through the facts and circumstances, place yourself in the role as the lead investigator on the case.

Investigative Summation and Problem Statement

Over the last 2 years, there have been reoccurring communication-device thefts of two-way radios from your organization's buses. The common element between all of the radio thefts is that they are taking place within 1 to 4 weeks of when the new two-way radios are installed in the buses. All of the thefts have occurred in the bus compound lots where the busses are kept overnight. All thefts have occurred sometime between midnight and six a.m. A shipment of new bus radios valued at $10,000 (10 radios x $1000/each) is scheduled to be installed next week.

Case Facts

• Many new two-way radios were stolen from buses during the last 2 years.

• All thefts took place during midnight and 0600 hours in secured bus compounds.

• Only the buses with new radios were burglarized.

• Security fencing is in place at the sites.

• After the first year, roving security was put in place.

• New radios will be installed in buses next week.

• No witnesses of the thefts have been identified.

• A break in the case revealed that one of the recovered stolen radios was found in a taxi cab in a neighboring state.


• Item recovered : Motorola XPS 2001 Two-Way Radio 900 MHz

• Serial number: PAF12X9087UY786TY1

• Recovering agency: State Patrol

• Narrative: The State Patrol recovered this radio. After running it in the system, it came back as stolen from your organization. A cab driver was installing it in his cab when someone reported him to the police. The cab driver claims that he purchased the radio legally from All Radio Systems, a subsidiary of the radio company where the radios were originally purchased-Master Radio-a few days ago.

As the investigator on this case, consider the following questions:

• What documents, interviews, direct observations, and additional tactics would you use to conduct the investigation?

• What technological tools might be helpful to conduct the investigation?

• Where might you find information?

• What questions would you ask and of whom?

• What type of documentation would you create for the file?

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