Project description:
Investigation of the soil properties in Perth area. this project most likely involve with a lot of geotechnical thing.
Title: Engineering Behaviour of Perth’s Soil
Task: Collect four different soil sample from Perth area(100kg each sample, total 400kg), and do the Laboratory test.
Area collecting soil sample:
North- Yanchep, West- Scarborough, South- Southern River, and East- Swan Valley
Laboratory test:
1.Sieving analysis test
2.Density test
3.Angle of repose test
4.Permeability test
Table of Contents:
1 Introduction
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Objectives
1.3 Significance
1.4 Report Organisation
2 Background
3 Proposed Approach
4 Results and Discussion
5 Concluding Remarks
5.1 Conclusions
5.2 Future Work
things i have upload:
-project marking sheet
-laboratory experimental result
-template of the report..(thing should include)
-picture of the map for collecting soils samples
-Australian standard 1289.5.5.1
-Australian standard 1289.3.6.1
-ASTM d2434
-ISO 4243
-guideline on final report
-report writing checklist
-1 sample of full report done by previous year student.
-picture of laboratory experimental test
Engineering Project – Final Report Assessment
MARKING INSTRUCTION: Please tick (?) the corresponding boxthat you believe is the appropriate rank for each of the following criteria, supply a mark out of 100, and write comments to justify mark.
Criteria N C CR D HD
Is there clear evidence of excellent balance of material, superbly organised, in an appropriate order, and with clear links from one section to the next?
Writing Style:
Does the report use highly appropriate language and in a style that is of publishable grade?
Spelling and Grammar
Is the report free from spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors?
Figures and Tables
Are they all appropriate, relevant, clearly presented, and produced by the student (if not, references are provided)?
Technical Content
Are the objectives and scope of project clearly stated and focussed?
Is there comprehensive background study/literature survey (with numerous appropriate references from a wide range of sources) to suggest strong awareness of previous developments? Is it being used to inform project approach?
Originality, Creativity and Independence
Is there strong evidence of original, creative and independent thought?
Critical Thinking:
Is there strong evidence of critical thinking and extremely well developed ability to marshal arguments?
Methodology and Outcomes
Are the results and analysis of results of exceptionally quality, and derived from the excellent use of rigorous or innovative methodology?
Has the project meet all the stated objectives? If not, are there valid reasons given? Are conclusions based only on the evidence presented? Are there useful recommendations given for future actions?