
Investigate unethical business practices

Unethical Behavior in Business

Mini: https://soundcloud.com/ncv2/chapter-3-mini

Learning Objectives:

• Investigate unethical business practices
• Describe why unethical behavior occurs in businesses
• Explain what managers can do to help prevent unethical behavior
• Link the text with real world working managers


i. Find an article about a company that has made unethical decisions
ii. Post the article link and summarize the article (what happened and why).
iii. Connect what the company did back to the chapter.
iv. Also be sure to link back to the Minis from this week when Nancy will be discussing why employees act unethically.
v. Discuss what managers can do to prevent unethical behavior in employees.
vi. Also discuss what you found interesting and/or were surprised by.

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Business Management: Investigate unethical business practices
Reference No:- TGS01773865

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