
Investigate the subject form and content of these two works

Please choose ONE of the following two term paper assignments options.

After you choose which assignment you would like to complete please follow the required assignment directions below.

Assignment Option One: Write a Visual Art Analysis.


Choose one of the following artists:

Ansel Adams

Marina Abramovic


Georges Braque

Henri Cartier-Bresson

Chuck Close

Salvador Dali

Max Ernst

Jean - Michel Basquiat

Edward Hopper

You may not write your paper on New York Move by Edward Hopper. This is the piece I use for examples in our class.

Dorothea Lange

Jacob Lawrence

Henri Toulouse-Lautrec

Rene Magritte

Pablo Picasso

Yayoi Kusama

Man Ray

Joan Miro

Norman Rockwell

Lorna Simpson

Laurie Simmons

Shepard Fairey

Kara Walker

Andy Warhol

After you choose an artist formally analyze in depth one or two works of art by the artist you chose. Your analysis will include the following:

Short Biographical information about the artist. This must be limited to only 1 paragraph.

Analyze the The Subject Matter of the work.

Analyze The Form of the work.

Analyze The Content of the work.

-Your paper must be between 2 - 5 pages double spaced (12pt font). In addition to your 2 - 5 pages please include a title page and a bibliography. (Making your final paper 4 - 7 pages).

Follow the Required Assignment Directions for both options listed below.

Assignment Option Two: Compare and Contrast

Compare and Contrast Melancholy and Mystery of a Street Giorgio de Chirico 1914 (pg 519) & Insurrection! (Our Tools Were Rudimentary, Yet We Pressed On) Kara Walker 2000 (pg 255)

Investigate the Subject, Form and Content of these two works of art and write about what they have in common and what about them makes them different. Some things will be obvious but investigate deeper and you will find things that might surprise you.

In this assignment you will first do a short Visual Analysis of both works of art and then discuss what formal elements they have in common and what formal elements are different between the two works.

-Your paper must be between 2 - 5 pages double spaced (12pt font). In addition to your 2 - 5 pages please include a title page and a bibliography. (Making your final paper 4 - 7 pages).

Follow the Required Assignment Directions for both options listed below.

Required Assignment Directions For Both Options

-Your paper must be between 2 - 5 pages double spaced (12pt font). In addition to your 2 - 5 pages please include a title page and a bibliography. (Making your final paper 4 - 7 pages).

-You are required to use at least one source other than your textbook. (you will have a minimum of 2 sources including your text book)

- Wikipedia is not an acceptable online source. For a few of the acceptable online sources please see the Other Resources link on the left side of the page. If you have found a source that you are not sure if it is acceptable please contact me.

- In both options you are asked to formally analyze Visual Art. The emphasis of your paper should be the work of art instead of any biographical information of the artist.

Please limit your biographical information to less than 5% of your paper. Your paper should take on a scholarly and analytical approach to the work of art. Personal opinion must be sacrificed (the likes and dislikes of art). The majority of your paper should be focused on exploring and analyzing the formal elements of the artist work.

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Dissertation: Investigate the subject form and content of these two works
Reference No:- TGS02505819

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