
Investigate the regulatory process for medical products

Assignment task: The FDA

Few people have not heard about the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The COVID pandemic has placed a renewed focus on its role in assuring safety of drug approval. It is not nearly as well known that the FDA is tasked with regulating multiple categories of products. One cannot work in healthcare and not be a part of products regulated in some fashion by the FDA. FDA U.S. Food & Drug Administration.

Investigate the regulatory process for medical products.

Include the following aspects in the assignment:

  • Access the FDA site, scroll to the bottom to the "Products we Regulate," choose a product from one of the following sections: Drugs, Medical Devices, Vaccines, Blood, and Biologics.
  • Click on that topic and open the topic page, scroll to the bottom: navigate the (Drugs, Medical Devices, Vaccines, Blood, and Biologics) section.
  • Explore each of the eight sections.
  • Summarize each section, what each contains, its purpose, and resources.
  • Share if you feel the FDA provides a rigorous review of these products. Why or why not? Do you feel the FDA protects the public?

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Other Subject: Investigate the regulatory process for medical products
Reference No:- TGS03294391

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