
Investigate the effect of changing the bias current ic


In this problem, we investigate the effect of changing the bias current IC on the overall voltage gain Gv of a CE amplifier. Consider the situation of a CE amplifier operating with a signal source having Rsig =10 kΩ and having RC ||RL = 10 kΩ. The BJT is specified to have β = 100 and VA = 25 V. Use Eq. (7.114) (with ro included in parallel with RC and RL in the numerator) to find / Gv / at IC = 0.1 mA, 0.2 mA, 0.5 mA,1.0 mA, and 1.25 mA. Observe the effect of  | Gv |
                                                                            | Gv |

as IC is increased. Find the value of IC that results in = 50 V/V.

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Electrical Engineering: Investigate the effect of changing the bias current ic
Reference No:- TGS01992229

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