
Investigate and outline the prevalenceincidence of

Aim of assessment

The purpose of this guided essay is to enable students to consolidate nursing/midwifery issues covered in class materials and to determine students' understanding of the topics and applications. in preparation for transition into the professional nursing and midwifery workforce. This is a guided essay based on a case study where the students respond by answering a series of questions.


Using FITHFR Scenario A or Scenario B- please answer the following questions:

1. Investigate and outline the prevalence/incidence of depression AND suicide in Australia - Ensure your answer covers: gender, age groups. Specific risk groups. hospitalization and recovery.

2. Using current literature discuss factors that may have contributed to the development of the client's presentation, mental health concerns and risks. Ensure you highlight at least 2 factors.

3. Using current literature discuss the ethical and legal issues related to your scenario (ensure you discuss at least one ethical issue AND at least one legal issue). Your work should include reference to ethical principles.

4. Identify TWO (2) nursing/midwifery concerns / needs with evidence from your chosen scenario-These should be directly related to the person's mental health presentation. Ensure you discuss why you have included these two particular concerns or needs Your risk identification should be focused on the next 1-5 days of nursing/midwifery care for your client.

5. For each nursing / midwifery concern / problem you have identified in Question 4. outline and describe TWO (2) evidence based nursing / midwifery interventions (ie: what you would actually do as a nurse / midwife to support the Person and how you would do it) You should present a total of 4 interventions. Your interventions should be focused on nursing / midwifery care for your client over the next 1-5 days. They must be interventions which you would actually undertake directly with your client within your role as a nurse or midwife. Ensure your intervention states what you would exactly do. how, who would carry this Out and when. You are also required to provide a clear rationale for each nursing / midwifery intervention (i.e. why have you chosen the particular nursing interventions? How will the interventions support the person or positively contribute to the person's recovery journey?) Each intervention and rationale must be supported by current literature.

Scenario A - You are a mental health nurse in the Accident and Emergency department. Edward was referred to you by his GP. His GP is concerned about Edward's mental health state and risks to self. Edward is a 62 year old man. He moved to Australia from Malta forty two years ago. He didn't plan to permanently live in Australia initially. However he quickly found work as a general assistant on a farm, made some close friends and felt settled. Although Edward moved to Australia and felt relatively settled, there have been times when he has missed his family in Malta. His father died 30 years ago. Edward couldn't afford to return to Malta at the time of his father's death. He has always felt distressed and guilty that he missed his fathers funeral. He did return to Malta for 4 weeks when his mother was unwell, twenty years ago. Unfortunately she died soon after his return to Australia. so he did not attend her funeral either. He has an older sister and younger brother who still live in Malta. He would like to meet with them again before he dies himself.

Edward met his wife. Nancy, now 60 years old. in the town of Broken Hill 41 years ago. Edward and Nancy have been married for 39 years. They had 2 sons. Cohn. 30 years old and Thomas. 26 yews old. Edward worked as a general assistant on the farm for 5 years. before deciding that he and Nancy would buy their own land. They have 15 acres of land to care for, with 12 cows and 20 chickens. Both Edward and Nancy have worked on the farm and employed 4 other full time casual workers. Their sons have helped on the farm over the years. Edward was hopeful that one of his sons would take over the farm. However, his youngest son, Thomas, died as a result of suicide. 15 months ego. He was found by a member of staff on the farm. He died as a result of carbon monoxide poisoning. His other son. Cohn. moved to live in Sydney eight months ago. He didn't want to work on the farm anymore. Since the death of his son. Edward feels the family are not as close. He feels sad and tearful when he thinks about how his wife, son and he have become so distant from each other. He is worried about their farm as his energy has been low, especially in recent months. He hasn't been attending to the land properly. The winter months has resulted in low levels of rain this year. Feeding of the animals required more input from Edward and Nancy. They have produced less milk and eggs to sell. The business is losing money. They have had to reduce their staff to one casual worker. Nancy became concerned about Edward's mental health and encouraged him to attend the GP surgery. who referred Edward to you.

During your assessment with Edward. he becomes distressed and tearful on your questioning. He has been increasingly depressed since the death of his son. He disclosed he has been having difficulties falling to sleep and is waking up in the early hours, normally at 4am. He noticed his sleeping pattern change six months ago. He reports feeling exhausted most. if not all of the time. He reports weight loss of 6 kilos (without effort) over the past 4 months. He has lost hope for the future. Edward has been having ruminating thoughts of suicide. He has not had any thoughts so far about e possible method.

Scenario B - Lorraine is a 29 year old woman who presents to you in your role as a community practitioner (practice nurse or midwife) in a General Practitioner (GP) surgery. Lorraine is 2 1/2 months pregnant with her first child. She currently works full time as a teacher for primary school children at a local school, Lorraine really enjoys her role with the children and parents. but finds the edministretion part of the lob challenging. There has been some conflict within the teaching team at the school. Lorraine doesn't want to be involved in this. but reports she is getting drawn into some of the discussions by another staff member. Lorraine has been living with her parents for four years. She did have her own apartment after leaving university, but she generated $13.000 debt due to bills. She also found the isolation a concern. She experienced severe anxiety and low mood at the time. Her GP referred Lorraine to a psychiatrist at the time who prescribed antidepressant medications Zoloft 50mg once a day. She took the medications as prescribed for 4 weeks. but then stopped them due to feeling "spaced out". She didn't make any further appointments with the psychiatrist. Lorraine returned to live with her parents.

Make sure all the requirement for the assignment is followed, the resources should be reliable, and not more than five years old, also should be according to APA referencing style.

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Management Theories: Investigate and outline the prevalenceincidence of
Reference No:- TGS01536279

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