
Inverse transmission parameters for reciprocity and symmetry

1) Write down the difference between Transmission and Inverse Transmission Parameters for reciprocity and symmetry.

2) Sketch the T and p-sections of the conventional filter using impedance Zi and Zo.

3) Illustrate that they can be made equivalent to two L or two T sections. Attain the input impedance of a p-section filter.

4) Write the brief notes on the following:

A) Convolution theorem

B) Constant K:filters

C) Impulse Response

5) What do you mean by 'polar plots' and write down its advantages. Get the polar plot of a semisoidal network function G(jw) and G(jw) m the X-Y plane for a series RC circuit energized by voltage source Vi(s),the output V2(s) being taken across C.

6) Write brief notes on the following:

a) Superposition & Millman's Theorems.

b) Transient and steady response.

c) Pass and stop bands.

7) Unbalanced four wire, star connected load has the balanced voltage of 400V, the loads are Zi= (4+j8) ohms; Z2= (3+j4) ohms; Z3=(15+j20) ohms. Compute the line current in the neutral and the total power.

8) For the given network function, sketch the pole zero diagram and therefore get the time domain response. Justify the result analytically.

V(s)= 5(s+5)/(s+2)(s+7)

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Electrical Engineering: Inverse transmission parameters for reciprocity and symmetry
Reference No:- TGS010254

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