
Inventory and distribution practices- provide 2-3

Themes: Inventory and Distribution Practices


Chapter 5 (Agile Supply Management) of the Bookboon.com ebook, and go to pages 70-82 of the ebook


Is Apple's Supply Chain Really No. 1


The Unintended Consequences of Outsourcing


Understanding the Supply Chain Operations Reference Model



Integrated Planning for Improved Supply Chain Operations


McLane Warehouse 3g in operation at McLane Global Distribution



Submit final project presentation in discussion area: Topic of choice

Learning Activities

Beyond products alone, a Supply Chain must compete in terms of better inventory and distribution trade-off practices than its rivals. Done well, these LAs will help you with this Assignment project.

Learning Activity 4-1: K-Mart has been notorious for low or lack of inventory in its stores. From the readings and Instructor Insights; suggest to K-Mart's VP Supply Chain 3 ways she can improve their levels of inventory.

Learning Activity 4-2: Channel decisions are, in fact, trade-offs since most consumers will not drive up to your factory. They want it where they want it!

Many Supply Chain functions are behind the scenes in trucks and warehouses; FEDEX even has inventory in transit up in the air. Since FEDEX is multi-modal, they located their primary east-west air cargo transfer center in Memphis, TN.

Provide 2-3 distribution-related reasons behind why it made sense to locate there. It's OK to use the Internet and Instructor Insights on Distribution practices for this one.

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Supply Chain Management: Inventory and distribution practices- provide 2-3
Reference No:- TGS01681168

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