
Introductionrationale why did the authors perform the study

For this assignment, read one (1) of the following empirical research articles (available on eclass):

Guttridge, L., & Brown, C. (2014). Learning and memory in the Port Jackson shark, Heterodontus portusjacksoni. Animal Cognition, 17, 415-425.

Pegram, K.V., & Rutowski, R.L. (2014). Relative effectiveness of blue and orange warning colours in the contexts of innate avoidance, learning and generalization. Animal Behaviour, 92, 1-8.

Samuels, M., Hurly, T.A., & Healy, S.D. (2014). Colour cues facilitate learning flower refill schedules in wild hummingbirds. Behavioural Processes, 109, 157-163.

Write a summary of the article that clearly and concisely addresses the following questions:

INTRODUCTION/RATIONALE: Why did the authors perform the study? What did they aim to test?

RESULTS: What did the authors find?

DISCUSSION: What are the broader implications of the study? Why are the findings important?

COURSE CONCEPTS: How do the findings relate to the relevant concepts that you learned in the course?

CRITICAL EVALUATION: Describe any weaknesses in the article including problems in the experiments or in the way the article is written and presented (e.g., is the writing and language clear? Are the graphs useful and interpretable?). What improvements could you make if you were to run a follow-up study?

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Dissertation: Introductionrationale why did the authors perform the study
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