
introductionin the morning session there was a


In the morning session there was a discussion about what the teachers are going to do in this week. Later the professor has shown power point presentation on introduction about the materials, composition of the materials, toughest and the smoothest materials. There was a discussion on the CAD i.e. the simulation of 3D models, design cycle of a product which is streamlined with CAD, CAD systems of today (3D modeling). Different software's like PRO-Engineer, AutoCAD and other 2D software's are shown and their application in engineering is discussed. How to draw 3D images in CAD and the top view and front view of 3D images is shown. The instructor demonstrated in detail about how they have to draw 3D images in the software. Now the teachers have got a chance to draw their own 3D images. They drew the 3D images in the solid works software. The teachers were given sheets of complicated 3D drawings and theywere asked to draw those drawings. There are many differenttypesof prototyping methods available today and the teachers will be exposed to three different methods. SolidWorks (SW), a CAD program, will be used to create each individual part of the assembly, the assembly, as well as the detail drawings of the parts and assembly.The solid models created using SW will be used to create a prototype of a working Geneva wheel assembly. The purpose of this geneva wheel project is to learn how the design process works, from drawings to prototypes.


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Mechanical Engineering: introductionin the morning session there was a
Reference No:- TGS0209481

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