Introduction to womenrsquos

PART I: The following ten words or phrases are to be matched with definitions. Please list the items 1-12 and place the A-L definition next to term being defined.

1. Androcentrism

2. Gender

3. Interdisciplinary

4. Suffrage

5. Stereotype

6. Patriarchy

7. Body Politics

8. Personal is Political

9. Affirmative Action

10. Social Transformation

11. Mysogny

12. Construction of the Female

A. It comes through laws and policy plus changes in attitude and consciousness.

B. Assumptions underlying a set of ideas about a subject, women, for example. When ideas or assumptions are not challenged through debate or argument, they lead to societal patterns that appear to be based on long-held truths.

C. System where everyday privileges and entitlements are associated with masculinity.

D. Putting men in the center and relegating women to outsiders in society.

E. Knowledge and methodologies that are not limited to a single discipline.

F. The way in which society organizes the understanding of sexual difference.

G. The right to vote.

H. Basing the judgment of worth of a person on cultural standards.

I. Legal mechanism to combat discrimination.

J. Understanding that nothing is natural; personality and appearance are socially conditioned.

K. Events or circumstances in the individual lives of women have broader political, social, and economic causes and consequences.

L. Hatred of women based merely on the fact of their being female.

PART II: Match the following eight dates with the appropriate events, persons, or legal decisions. Place the letter next to the number from 13-20.


14. 1949

15. 1963.

16. 1970

17. 1972

18. 1973

19. 1984

20. 1991

M. The Feminine Mystique.

N. The Second Sex

O. Roe v. Wade

P. Title IX of Education Amendments.

Q. Nineteenth Amendment Passed.

R. SDSU: Women's Studies Program.

S. Sexual Harassment became a household term with the Supreme Court Justice Hearings

T. First woman nominated for VP of the USA

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