
Introduction to web programming - cft2111 - choose your

Assignment 1- Worksheet

Here's some brief advice on a workflow for approaching the assignment:

1) Choose your topic. Remember, the content must be licensed for re-use. Make sure you can source appropriate content for your site.

2) Create your HTML pages first, don't worry about CSS. This is often called Plain Old Semantic HTML (POSH)
- Make sure your web pages are HTML 5 pages (check the doctype)
- Do validate the pages and fix any errors.
- Do have a good look on the assignment specification to make sure you are meeting all the basic requirements - folder structure, a page for tables, forms etc.
- Do think about showing a range of HTML features.
- Do give consideration to accessibility.
- Do not apply any CSS!
- Do not worry about how your pages look.
- Do not worry about page layout
