This section introduces you to develop the applications using VC++. The Single document interface (SDI), multiple document interface (MDI) and dialog based applications are covered in this section. Every SDI or MDI project has 4 classes integrated in it. The view class is used for producing the drawing code. The OnDraw() function in the view class implementation file is meant to house the drawing code. The document class houses the data for the application. The framewnd class is answerable for all the windows related coding like the status bar, menu bar. The object of the application is limited in the Appclass. The appwizard tool's role of creating a project is elaborated. The tool, class wizard's role in adding member variables is elaborated. The Programs to demonstrate event handling are integrated. The CPoint, CString, CRect, CBrush, CColorDialog, CClientDC, CDC Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC) used are covered in this section. The requirement for the device context is outlined. The document view architecture is elaborated. Modal and Modeless dialogs are established. The concept of serialization is covered. The MFC library is built on the top of other Win 32 API. The MFC is written in C++. The MFC program uses the Win 32 APIs to interact with the OS.