
Introduction to the history of psychology

Assignment task: Thoughts and opinions (simple) on numbered responses. Please number and separate to not cause confusion.

1. Psychoanalytic psychology aims to understand the unconscious mind while Behavior psychology looks at behaviors. Psychoanalysis hypothesized that our unconscious desires shape our behavior. While behavior psychology believed the environment shapes our behaviors. Psychoanalytic looks at the cause, while behavior psychology looks only at ways to change and correct them not at the cause.

I believe both theories have been and still play a huge role in psychology, It is important to look at behavior externally as well as internally; understanding that ways of behaving could come from the unconscious as well as being shaped. I believe that both are important; for example, dream analysis and cognitive behavioral therapy are both important in the field. Although both are different, I believe if we can't find a thing in one theory we look at the other, and these two theories help achieve that.

2. Theory of Psychoanalytic Psychology- Psychoanalytic theory hypothesizes that our child hood experiences and unconscious desires shape a humans behavior. Freud who was a Doctor, a neurologist to be specific, believed that his patients (adults), problems arise from their early childhood experiences. Therefore Freud's therapy approach was to revert the patients back to their early childhood memories and so the real traumatic nature of the experience could be exposed and then treated by Freuds therapy. The theory of Psychoanalytic Psychology impact revolutionized we think about and treat mental health conditions. Psychoanalysis till this day, continues to influence Psychology and and Psychiatry.

Theory of Behavior Psychology-  Behaviorism is referred to as a theory of learning that stats all behaviors are learned through conditioned interaction with the environment. As stated in the article under our reading Lewin's "field theory", suggest's that behavior is the result of the individual and the environment. The theory of behavior had a major impact on social psychology, supporting the belief that humans individual traits and environment inter relate to cause behavior.

Therefore, I believe both theory's had a great impact on Psychology. I believe both are realistic and true and both theories can continue to grow in the field of Psychology.

Book: Henley, T. B. & Hergenhahn, B.R. (2019). Hergenhahn's An Introduction to the History of Psychology. Cengage.

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