
Introduction to psychological or legal literature

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Need help summarizing this paragraph.

"As recently as 30 years ago, the term forensic psychology had barely been introduced into psychological or legal literature. Today, it is a commonly encountered term, but it still defies definition. It is often used interchangeably with legal psychology and psychology and law. Although some favor a narrow definition limiting it to clinical practice offered by the legal system, the contributions of research psychologists may be undermined by such an approach. The most recently adopted Specialty Guidelines for PSY240 - Forensic Psychology Summarization Assignment Copyright 2022 Post University, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Forensic Psychology, as well as the writings of prominent forensic psychologists, recognize the importance of contributions from researchers, although there continues to be emphasis placed on practice. In other words, the researcher is not a forensic psychologist if he or she does not communicate the results of the research to the legal community in some form. Furthermore, in some jurisdictions, one must be certified as a forensic psychologist to practice in certain arenas, such as court settings."

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Reference No:- TGS03273148

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