please read and follow the instructions in each discussion topic. The directions to the APA title page for assignment #4 is located in assignment #4 analysis: EWC professional workshop. that will be in doc. file, participate in discussion assignment. please bare with some of the page content. some of it are cut off.
Practice Your APA Title Page for Assignment #4' Subscribed Subscribe
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For this discussion post, please take a look at the following APA information. Once you have studied it, please create your title page in Microsoft Word for assignment #4, your Professional Report (directions for assignment #4 are posted at the bottom of week 5 in the content area and EWC's Kevin Folliard will also be showing you how to analyze this assignment in a video in week 5). Post your title page under this discussion post so that I can take a look at it to make sure your title page aligns with the APA rules and suggestions below. Please note: If you slide your cursor or finger on your mouse, you can view the entire width of this lesson. All About APA Your One-Stop Citation Shop!
The reason for using citations is two fold:
1.) To give credit to original sources of the information you use.
2.) To provide readers the information needed to find the same sources if they wish.