
Introduction to physical science


Introduction to Physical Science -

Weather Podcast

You are the meteorologist! However, unlike the weather person, you are not necessarily graded on the accuracy of your forecast, but rather on the accuracy of your explanation and understanding of the weather. You will develop a forecast, record it as an audio file, and upload it as an audio file (.mp3) like a real radio meteorologist!

Include the following information in your weather report:

· Your name and course section number

· Your location

· Date

· Average high temperature for this month

· Average low temperature for this month

· Average precipitation for this month

· Current weather (High temperature for today and Low Temperature for today)

· Compare your climate, current, and forecasted weather. Are they different? Explain how they differ.

· Any expected weather such as precipitation, thunderstorms, etc.

· What types of clouds are in sky?

· Considering the composition of the atmosphere, why do you think it may be difficult to make an accurate weather forecast?

· What do you expect for the next two days?

o Your forecasted high temperature

o Your forecasted low temperature

o Any forecasted weather, such as precipitation, storms, or strong winds

· Calculated wind chill or heat index if applicable

· Are you under the influence of a High- or Low-pressure system?

o What does that mean for your current weather? Review the National Weather Service's Forecast Maps.

· Is there a high- or low-pressure system upstream (to your west)?

o What does that mean for your future weather?

o How does this information support your forecast?

Once you have developed your weather report, record yourself giving the report (audio only) as if you were on the radio. Submit your completed .MP3 file into Blackboard as your assignment.


· U.S. Climate Data

· World Climate

· National Weather Service

· How to record audio on your phone: https://www.wikihow.com/Record-Audio-on-a-Mobile-Phone

· How to record audio on your computer: https://online-voice-recorder.com/

· Review these tips for recording using a phone or tablet before you begin.

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Prepared by a verified Expert
Science: Introduction to physical science
Reference No:- TGS03154009

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