Question 1:
a) Explain the significant contributions made by Louis Pasteur.
b) What are the three domains of Carl Woese categorization? Compare the characteristics of such domains.
Question 2:
a) What are the main criteria which are used in the categorization of bacteria? Describe the salient features of numerical taxonomy.
b) Write categorization and economic significance of archaeobacteria.
Question 3:
a) Explain the chemical structure of viruses.
b) Write an essay on the transmission of viruses.
Question 4:
a) Sketch the categorization of fungi down to the class level.
b) Write down the general features and economic significance of micro algae.
Question 5: Illustrate the given terms:
a) Agro bacterium and its significance.
b) G + C ratio.
c) Symmetry of viruses.
d) Prions.
e) Thallus organization in micro algae.
f) Hetero thallism.
g) Sporozoa.
h) Fungi imperfecti.